Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Oil Crises in the 1970s Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Oil Crises in the 1970s - Term Paper Example The oil blockade had a whooping impact on the economies of US and Western nations as they had to pay high prices for their oil imports and transportation cost in those nations became more costly due to the oil embargo imposed OPEC. â€Å"OPEC and its members and OPEC's involvement in the crisis† On October 17, 1973, OPEC implemented â€Å"oil diplomacy’ which banned its member nation’s exports of oil and announced embargo on its exports to Western nations and the USA that supported the war against Israel by Egypt and Syria. This oil embargo had been devastating impact on US economy as it put a full stop to the epoch of cheap gasoline, and the US share markets witnessed an unprecedented fall by about $97 billion followed by the worst economic recession in USA and other parts of the world. OPEC declared that it would penalize those who helped Israel in the War by slashing down the petroleum production by 5% a month till the Israel vacated the occupied provinces by reinstating the rights of the Palestinians over the region. It cited both USA and The Netherlands as the true enemies of Islam and threatened that it would deploy an indefinite ban of export of petroleum products, which would be in operation against Western nations. Customarily, before 1973, oil prices were fixed by Petroleum companies and in December 1973, OPEC announced that henceforth, it would fix the price of the oil products. Due to this, the price per barrel of oil escalated to $11.65 per barrel in December 1973 which was 130% increase as compared 1973 October price and 387% higher than 1972 price level. ( â€Å"The Founding of OPEC† OPEC is an intergovernmental institution established on September 10-14, 1960 at the Baghdad Conference by Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Iran. Apart from the above five founding members , Indonesia , Qatar ,UAE , Libya , Nigeria , Algeria , Angola , Ecuador and Gabon joined the OPEC later . Initially, OPEC hea dquartered at Switzerland later shifted to Vienna in Austria in 1965. The core aim of OPEC is to coalesce and synchronize petroleum exploration, production and marketing strategies among Member nations so as to secure stable and just prices of oil product, an effective, viable and uninterrupted supply of petroleum products to consumer nations and to secure a just return on the capital employed on the petroleum resources by the oil-producing nations. ( â€Å"Yom Kippur War† This is also known as 1983 Arabs- Israeli War, or Ramadan War, which was waged against Israel by alliance of Arab nations, headed by Egypt and Syria and lasted from October 6 to 25, 1973. In the War, the USA, UK, Netherlands and France supported Israel and aggrieved by this, the Arab nations retaliated with a revolt in 1973 through an oil embargo against Western powers. Arab coalition made a surprise attack on Israel occupied regions on Yom Kippur and Egypt, and Syrian forces entered Golden He ights and Sinai Peninsula of Israel. In the Yom Kippur War, USA and its allied supported Israel by supplying arms while USSR supported the Arab Coalition and this war paved to almost direct confrontation between two superpowers during the cold war regime. In the War, Israel almost captured Egypt’s city of Suez by encircling the Egypt’s Army. In 1978, the Camp David Accord was signed where it was agreed to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Immigration to the United States Essay Example for Free

Immigration to the United States Essay Immigrants in the the United States have been the backbone for American for centries. People from all over the world have come to live the American dream that so many hear about throughout the world. America has been home to every different natationalty one can think of, and between the years of 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. [1] Now, in that time most of those immigrants were coming to America to become citizen of the United States with hopes of finding their own American dream. Today, the chase for the American dream has become a lot different and the majority of the immigrants funneling into American are the Latin Americans. With the hardships happen throughout Latin America, many are forced into finding a better life abroad. Like many other immigrants in the past, Latin Americans are turning to the United States for a better life. Economist have been trying to understand the effects immigration has had on the United States both positively and negatively for many years now. It is a hard task to understand the effects that Latin Americans have had on the United States labor market and there are many factors to be understood and many variables to examine. For this paper, I attempt to identify the outstanding influential factors that have charged this new wave of immigrants and effects it has had on the US economy both positively and negatively. The Pew Hispanic Center estimated in December 2012 that there were 11. 1 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U. S. s of March 2011, unchanged from the previous two years and a continuation of the sharp decline from its peak of 12 million in 2007. This decline has been the first significant decrease following two decades of growth up to 2007 [5]. Net immigration from Mexico to the U. S. has stopped and possibly reversed since 2010 and at its peak in 2000, about 770,000 immigrants arrived annually from Mexico; the majority arrived illegally. By 2010, the inflow had dropped to about 140,000, a majority of whom arrived as legal immigrants. 5] To understand the economics of this new immigration wave, one must find the main networks in which the Latin American are using to become part of the US economic system. Latin Americans came by the millions and many chose big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and many parts of the American southwest. The reasoning behind that in somewhat obvious; because there are more jobs in big cities. Although the illegal immigrants were not aiming at high paid jobs in big cities, many Americans dont see the effect it has had to them personally. Like many Latin American immigrants, they turned to jobs that are mostly manual labor and require little education. Many choose this route because that is where the majority of Latin Americans can fit in and work in the US economy. When immigrants choose to migrate to another country, they tend to stay together and rely on one another for survival. They find that most relationships are based on kinship, friendship, and in particular, paisanaje (belonging to a common origin-community). Ties among paisanos actually appear to strengthen once they arrive in the United States, and this sociological change is reinforced by the emergence of community-based institutions, such as soccer clubs, which bring the migrants together. [2] Forming a community of immigrants in the same region make it easier to find jobs without having to start from scratch in an unknown world. Like many other immigrants in the past, they want to live close and stay together so it is easier to prosper economically. Illegal immigrants choose to work for below the minimum wage because one, they are illegal and cannot turn to the government for reinforcement, and two, they are making more money in the United States then they were in Latin America. Also, many firms in the United States would rather hire an illegal immigrant that is willing to work for less money versus an American citizen who is obligated to make minimum wage. When the recession hit the United States, more and more employers were forced to hire illegal immigrants which caused a vicious cycle throughout the American economy. American tax payers were losing jobs to illegal immigrants that were not paying taxes that ultimately dammaged the economy. Many saw this as a horrible cycle that was strictly caused by illegal immigrants and many make a compelling argument but on the contrary, it drives American citizens to become more educated and fight for higher paying jobs. For instance, immigrants are usually allocated to manual-intensive jobs, promoting competition and pushing natives to perform communication-intensive tasks more efficiently. This process, at the same time, reorganizes firms’ structure, producing efficiency gains and pushing natives towards cognitive and communication- intensive jobs that are better paid. [3] These effects might take sometime to unfold fully and be visible to the American people and the American economy but as history has told us, immigration does had a positive effect in the long-run. When the economy is growing, new immigration creates jobs in sufficient numbers to leave native employment unharmed, even in the relatively short run. During downturns, however, new immigrants are found to have a small negative impact on native employment in the short run (but not the long run)[3]. Though the share of low- skilled native-born individuals in the US labor force has fallen, employers continue to require less-educated workers in US agriculture, construction, food processing, building cleaning and maintenance, and other low-end jobs [2]. Immigrants, unauthorized immigrants in particular, have stepped in to provide the source of manpower. Unauthorized immigrant workers have been an important source of low-skilled labor supply to the US economy for many decades. With that, the burst of illegal immigrants moving into a certain region is hard for any economy to cope with. With the millions of people migrating to certain cities within the US, many firms were overwhelmed. Firms could not provide jobs to the American tax payers because of recession so many Americans turned to unemployment, which then relys on the government for support, which is another vicious cycle that has a negative effect through the entire United States. Although many see themsleves as low-skilled workers, other latin americans come to the United States for education. Parents see a brighter future for their children in America and being a illegal is worth the risk. Also, illegal immigration occurs because foreign workers can earn much more in the United States than they can at home and US immigration restrictions prevent them from entering the country through legal means. Consider the gain to emigration for a young urban male in Mexico who has completed nine years of education (which in Mexico is equivalent to finishing secondary school). Simply by moving to the United States, the worker’s annual income would rise by 2. times, even after controlling for cost-of-living differences between the two countries. [5] The income gain from migration is a result of international differences in labor productivity, with labor in the United States being far more productive than in Mexico [6]. People who want a high paying job in the United States have to come legally. Compared to the rest of the world, the United States has a high number or well educate d citizens. Since there has been many advances in technology, many now want to go to the United States for high paid jobs which the demand is increasing. For this many turn to green cards for legal immigration and will be allowed a certain amount of time to work in the United States. For high-skilled labor, legal immigration is the primary means of entering the United States. Compared to the rest of the world, the United States has an abundant supply of highly educated labor. One might expect that, if anything, skilled labor would want to leave the country rather than try to move here. However, over the past two decades the U. S. economy has enjoyed rapid advances in new technology, which have increased the demand for highly skilled labor. 7] The spread of information technology, among other developments, has created demand for software programmers, electrical engineers, and other skilled technicians. Even with the abundant U. S. supply of educated labor, technology-induced increases in labor demand have made the country an attractive destination for educated workers from abroad. Employment-based green cards and temporary work visas m ake such skilled immigration possible. Although many Latin Americans do try for a green card, many are turned away because of the long process and abundance of new illegal immigrants already in the United States. These benefits, however, are not shared equally. Labor inflows from abroad redistribute income away from workers who compete with immigrants in the labor market [4]. George Borjas estimates that over the period 1980 to 2000 immigration contributed to a decrease in average U. S. wages of 3 percent. [9] This estimate accounts for the total change in the U. S. labor force due to immigration, including both legal and illegal sources. Since immigration is concentrated among the low-skilled, low-skilled natives are the workers most likely to be hurt. Over the 1980 to 2000 period, wages of native workers without a high school degree fell by 9 percent as a result of immigration [8]. On the other hand, lower wages for low-skilled labor mean lower prices for goods and services, especially those whose prices are set in local markets rather than through competition in global markets [8]. Patricia Cortes finds that in the 1980s and 1990s U. S. cities with larger inflows of low-skilled immigrants experienced larger reductions in prices for housekeeping, gardening, child care, dry cleaning, and other labor-intensive, locally traded services[8]. On top of all that, according th laws of the Untied States, any citizen born on US soil if classified a American citizen. This law has caused the many problems for the Untied States and the illegal immigrants are taking full advantage of it. They cross the border into the US and immediately start having children. Now, the law was implemented a long time ago when migration to the US was needed but n ow it is a big problem because America now has millions of illegal immigrants not paying taxes and not getting health insurance but everything they do requires the help from legal tax payers. It is unfair to all tax payers and puts a damper on the US economy. Although some undocumented immigrants receive Social Security and Medicare benefits, the majority do not receive any benefits from those programs[10]. Since false Social Security numbers are not directly linked to an individual who can take advantage of Social Security benefits, the majority of contributions to Social Security from undocumented immigrants go into an earnings suspense file. The Social Security Administration factors in the over $7 billion annual contributions from undocumented im- migrants into the Social Security Administration’s calculations and projections for the solvency of Social Security. 10] The retirement of the baby boom generation will lead to increased expenditures for Social Security and additional tax revenue is needed to provide Social Security benefits to current and future retirees. [11] Since undocumented immigrants are ineligible to receive government services, it is estimated that undocumented immi- grants pay an average of $1,800 per househ old, per year more to Social Security and Medicare than they utilize in services [12] Therefore, undocumented immigrants actually help Social Security and Medicare and help to provide services to current and future retirees. Moving forward to the the state and local level of immigrantion which sheds light to the impat on a smaller scale. While current rhetoric in the immigration debate decries how undocumented workers steal jobs, immigrants working in the U. S. do not take away jobs from citizens; instead they stimulate the state and local economies and complement the workforce by providing a necessary pool of unskilled labor. [13] Although there are many costs involved, there may be economic benefits associated with having undocumented children in schools that are often not considered. Higher student enrollment can create more jobs, not just for teachers, but for all educational related services like administrators, maintenance staff, teaching assistants and other professionals, bus drivers, and other school staff which would help local and state economies. The creation of jobs as a result of higher student enrollment often results in an increase in federal funding for schools and can lead to an increase in state and local revenue generated by income and sales taxes. [14] Also, when ore people are going to school there is back school shopping which also has a big impact for business during the year. Contrary to the implication that immigrants exacerbate unemployment, high rates of immigration are linked to less unemployment [16]. This does not diminish the economy, but encourages specialization and increases wages for native workers [17]. Most undocumented immigrants in the U. S. work in low-skilled jobs and do not compete with American workers. The influx of low-skilled laborers into the U. S. as been shown to slow the decline of manufacturing industries and contribute to the creation of new jobs [18]. For example, the Bell Policy Center found that for every job held by an undocumented immigrant in Colorado, 0. 8 jobs are created [19]. While there are not that many official estimates from the federal government showing how much undocumented immigrants contribute to the U. S. economy, the research indicates that undocumented immigration is part of a positive force that immigration has upon the U. S. economy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Safeguarding Measures

Analysis of Safeguarding Measures CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY Machines are very dangerous to workers and are commonplace in many industries. The safety, health and welfare of workers are of utmost importance, especially where machine and moving parts of machines are involved. The employers have a legal duty to take reasonable care of the safety of the workers at while they are at work. One important way to protect workers from machines and the hazards associated is by using machine safeguarding methods. Broadly speaking, machine safeguarding has been defined by (Banner Engineering Corp., n.d) as being the requirements, methods and equipment which are used to protect workers while they are operating or when they come into contact with dangerous machines. Even if machine safeguarding is the key component for maintaining the safety of workers from machines, many facilities have fallen behind due to failure in upgrading and maintaining safety systems (Balbaa, n.d). This happens when the employers are of opinion that their systems are up-to-date and sufficient, while they are actually not. Other reasons might be due to a lack of liquid capital to invest in the systems. In addition, the fear that embarking on a project of upgrading systems might affect work and productivity, prevent them from improving. Whatever be the reason, standards concerning machine safeguarding, and the legal duty of the employer provided in the law to ensure the safety of employees as is reasonably practicable cannot be ignored. In this era of heightened standards, there exist many innovative ways in which machine safeguarding methods can be updated without affecting productivity. Safety standards usually come under the heading of regional, national and international standards and the application of one standard or a combination of standards depends on the goals of the employer and the size of the plant (Banner Engineering Corp., n.d). It has been provided by ILO (n.d) that more than 60 million of workers are employed in the textile, clothing and footwe ar TCF sectors worldwide, the TCF being one of the most globalised sectors. The textile industry is one where machines are involved at almost every stage of production and their safeguarding is necessary for the protection of workers. As stated by Max (2015), machines are used to execute functions at the different stages of production, which include yarn spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing and sewing. Other machines are also used for special fabric effects, for instance embossing, bleaching, as well as mercerizing. Every machine that is used, its part, function or process that can cause harm to the worker should be safeguarded. Each machine can have different ways of being safeguarded depending on its construction and function. In Mauritius, the government recognizes workers as the most valuable assets and is concerned about their health and safety, being their fundamental rights. A national Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) policy has been therefore formulated in 2001 to encompa ss all the occupational safety and health issues of workers in all sectors of work (ILO, 2001). The policy is also periodically reviewed so as to respond according to alterations in work processes, machinery, new technologies, and new techniques of work. PROBLEM STATEMENT Improper machine safeguarding is a major problem that is prevalent worldwide as opined by (Soranno, 2012), considering reliable data and professional experiences. Employees are more and more vulnerable to injuries due to improper machine safeguarding. These injuries can range from a minor pain to severe injuries. Amputations are the most common, severe and crippling injuries that occur due to either improper machine safeguarding or violations of the guards. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that during the year 2009 nearly 6000 occupational amputations occurred in the U.S. due to these reasons (Allen, 2011). Very often, employees do not understand the importance of the safeguards and the dangers lurking in the machine itself and they bypass the safeguards, failing to realize that the latter are meant for their own safety and that it takes only a second for an injury to occur. Soranno (2012) is also of opinion that there are five machine guarding problems, the first one being a lack of understanding on the requirements of machine guarding because people limit their evaluation of the requirements of machine guarding to only OSHA standards and do not consider the numerous other standards that exist. Secondly, the guards are improperly designed or installed due to lack of understanding and lack knowledge of the designers and installers who might be inexperienced. Next, there is a failure to consider all the risks. An adequate risk assessment is very important to consider the requirements about design and performance of the safeguarding devices. In addition, there are very often inadequate controls for proper adjustment, inspection and maintenance of the well-designed guards for them to perform effectively. Finally, the employers believe that the manufacturer is responsible for machine guarding, while it is their own responsibility. In Mauritius, however, there are very few sections in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005 concerning machine safeguardin g as compared to the numerous standards that exist for other countries globally. Therefore there is more risk to occupational accidents due to machines. As far as the OSH policy of 2001 is concerned, its application is dependent upon the availability of financial, human and technical resources. AIM AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to find out how the workers in the textile industry perceive the use of the different methods of machine safeguarding that they deal with in their work. It is important to know the workers’ perception to know how comfortable they are with the safeguarding methods and whether the methods of safeguarding are accepted by them. The objectives set to achieve the aim are as follows: To analyse the machines that the workers are exposed to and the safeguarding methods that are present. Determine whether the safeguarding methods that exist are appropriate and without hazards. Find out the opinion of the workers towards the safeguards that are used, whether these safeguards affect the workers and their work. To recommend solutions to the problems of the workers concerning improper machine safeguarding. RESEARCH QUESTIONS To meet the research objectives the study will be centered on the following research questions: What are the methods of safeguarding that are used along with the machines in the textile industry? Are the safeguarding methods suitable for their purpose? Are the workers agreeable to the use of the machine safeguards? Do the machine safeguards affect the workers comfort and work? Do the workers violate/bypass the safeguards? What are the possible recommendations that can be formulated with regards to the problems that arise due to improper machine safeguarding? HYPOTHESIS Is machine safeguarding important for the security of the workers at the workplace? What is the relationship between inadequate machine safeguarding and occurrence of accidents? Does machine safeguarding affect workers’ comfort and work? FLOW OF THE REMAINING REPORT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter is an overview of machine safeguarding in general from a global perspective to a local perspective in the first section of background of study and then there is the problem statement, the aim of this study and the list of objective to achieve the aim, a list of research questions together with the hypothesis. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review will give an account of the studies that have been done on machine safeguarding, its importance, the different methods that exist, machine safeguarding in the textile industry and the various other ideas on this topic. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY The methodology chapter describes the different methods and instruments that were used for collection of data, it also contains a description of the targeted population, the tools and statistical techniques used for analysis of the data, how reliable and valid was the study and the limitations of the study. CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS In this chapter the data obtained from the previous chapter are analysed and results are drawn out and briefly described. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION This chapter is about discussing the results obtained, in such a way so as to relate the findings to the literature review critically. This is where it is confirmed whether the objectives of the study were met or not. CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is a summary of the study, a number of recommendations are provided to the problems identified in the study and for future researches.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tess Of The D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy - Is Tess a Pure Woman? Essay

Thomas Hardy’s Tess Of The D’Urbervilles (A Pure Women) - Do You Agree with Hardy’s Subtitle, A Pure Women? ‘Tess Of The D’Urberville’ was written by Thomas Hardy in 1891. Tess is the main character who gets exploited by the character, Alec. The question is whether Tess is pure or not. The subject of purity caused a lot of controversy in the Victorian times. The dictionary definition of the word purity is that if someone is pure they are innocent, fresh, virtues, chaste and very trustworthy. Thomas Hardy English poet and novelist, famous for his dispictions of the imaginary county â€Å"Wessex†. Hardy’s work reflected his stoical pessimism and sense of tragedy in human life. In the Victorian times you were able to buy names depending on whether you were rich or not this will show if you have social status or not. Victorians believed that any man or women having a sexual relationship or sexual contact before marriage was seen as a sinner. If you pregnant and was not married society will not accept you they were very strict and very religious. In the Victorian times there were three classes. The Masses, the Nouveax Riches, and the Landed Gentry. The Masses were the poor working class, the Nouveax Riches were the people who worked in factory’s In the city they get the new money and that is were the name came from, they were hated by the Landed Gentry because they were almost the same standard as them, the Landed Gentry were the rich people who didn’t work but got their money from their ancestors (old money). Tess a young cottage girl ‘she was a fine and handsome girl†¦ and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Tess and her family were the poor working class and were happy the way they... ...Angel and tells him what she has done and says that if anything happens to her he has to promise to look after her younger sister Liza- lu this shows us that she is very loving towards her sister and is willing to do anything for her happiness. Tess is then captured and is hanged in the last chapter. Conclusion: To conclude I think Tess is a pure woman. I have shown how fate has taken a major part in her life. Thomas Hardy is a person who wrote most of his novels in a pessimistic way. His view on life and in women was completely different to the rest of the society; he reckons that men and women should have an equal right. The reason why he wrote ‘A Pure Woman’ as his subtitle is because he wanted to put it out to the rest of the society and because this is a question everyone wants an answer to. This subject caused a lot of controversy at the time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

English Study Topic By The Company He Keeps

A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses. This quote simply tells one that you become who you are around. This means that people who have bad company will become bad company themselves. But interaction with other people is not all bad. Instead of this, looking for company that will improve who a person becomes is the best idea. The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you associate; either for the good, or the bad.Sometimes hanging out less with certain types of people will improve life through decisions made (or not made). Setting the bar high for friends is an important aspect of maturity. An important attribute found in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. While it is better to be alone than in bad company, good company is even better. Anita Desai has long proved herself one of the most accomplished and admired chroniclers of middl e-class India.Her 1999 novel, Fasting, Feasting, is the tale of plain and lumpish Uma and the cherished, late-born Arun, daughter and son of strict and conventional parents. So united are her parents in Uma's mind that she conflates their names. â€Å"MamaPapa themselves rarely spoke of a time when they were not one. The few anecdotes they related separately acquired great significance because of their rarity, their singularity. † Throughout, Desai perfectly matches form and content: details are few, the focus narrow, emotions and needs given no place.Uma, as daughter and female, expects nothing; Arun, as son and male, is lost under the weight of expectation. Now in her 40s, Uma is at home. Attempts at arranged marriages having ended in humiliation and disaster, and she is at MamaPapa's beck and call, with only her collection of bracelets and old Christmas cards for consolation. Uma flounces off, her grey hair frazzled, her myopic eyes glaring behind her spectacles, muttering under her breath. The parents, momentarily agitated upon their swing by the sudden invasion of ideas–sweets, parcel, letter, sweets–settle back to their slow, rhythmic swinging.They look out upon the shimmering heat of the afternoon as if the tray with tea, with sweets, with fritters, will materialise and come swimming out of it–to their rescue. With increasing impatience, they swing and swing. Arun, in college in Massachusetts, is none too happily spending the summer with the Pattons in the suburbs: their refrigerator and freezer is packed with meat that no one eats, and Mrs. Patton is desperate to be a vegetarian, like Arun. But what he most wants is to be ignored, invisible. â€Å"Her words make Arun wince.Will she never learn to leave well alone? She does not seem to have his mother's well-developed instincts for survival through evasion. After a bit of pushing about slices of tomatoes and leaves of lettuce–in his time in America he has developed a hearty abhorrence for the raw foods everyone here thinks the natural diet of a vegetarian–he dares to glance at Mr. Patton. † Desai's counterpointing of India and America is a little forced, but her focus on the daily round, whether in the Ganges or in New England, finely delineates the unspoken dramas in both cultures.And her characters, capable of their own small rebellions, give Fasting, Feasting its sharp bite. –Ruth Petrie From Publishers Weekly Short-listed for the 1999 Booker Prize, Desai's stunning new novel (after Journey to Ithaca) looks gently but without sentimentality at an Indian family that, despite Western influence, is bound by Eastern traditions. As Desai's title implies, the novel is divided into two parts. At the heart of Part One, set in India, is Uma, the eldest of three children, the overprotected daughter who finds herself starved for a life.Plain, myopic and perhaps dim, Uma gives up school and marriage, finding herself in her 40s looking after her demanding if well-meaning parents. Uma's younger, prettier sister marries quickly to escape the same fate, but seems dissatisfied. Although the family is â€Å"quite capable of putting on a progressive, Westernized front,† it's clear that privileges are still reserved for boys. When her brother, Arun, is born, Uma is expected to abandon her education at the convent school to take care of him.It is Arun, the ostensibly privileged son, smothered by his father's expectations, who is the focus of the second part of the novel. The summer after his freshman year at the University of Massachusetts, Arun stays with the Pattons, an only-too-recognizable American family. While Desai paints a nuanced and delicate portrait of Uma's family, here the writer broadens her brush strokes, starkly contrasting the Pattons' surfeit of food and material comforts with the domestic routine of the Indian household.Indeed, Desai is so adept at portraying Americans through Indian eyes that t he Pattons remain as inscrutable to the reader as they are to Arun. But Arun himself, as he picks his way through a minefield of puzzling American customs, becomes a more sympathetic character, and his final act in the novel suggests both how far he has come and how much he has lost. Although Desai takes a risk in shifting from the endearing Uma to Arun, she has much to say in this graceful, supple novel about the inability of the families in either culture to nurture their children. (Jan. ) Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Organic Architecture Essays

Organic Architecture Essays Organic Architecture Essay Organic Architecture Essay One of the most striking personalities in the development of early-twentieth century architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). Wright attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison before moving to Chicago, where he eventually joined the firm headed by Louis Sullivan. Wright set out to create architecture of democracy. Early influences were the volumetric shapes in a set of educational blocks the German educator Friedrich Froebel designed, the organic unity of a Japanese building Wright saw at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and a Jeffersonian belief in individualism and populism. Always a believer in architecture as natural and organic, Wright saw it as serving free individuals who have the right to move within a free space, envisioned as a nonsymmetrical design interacting spatially with its natural surroundings. He sought to develop an organic unity of planning, structure, materials, and site. Wright identified the principle of continuity as fundamental to understanding his view of organic unity: Classic architecture was all fixation. . . . Now why not let walls, ceilings, floors become seen as component parts of each other? . . This ideal, profound in its architectural implications . . . I called . . . continuity. Wright manifested his vigorous originality early, and by 1900 he had arrived at a style entirely his own. In his work during the first decade of the twentieth century, his cross-axial plan and his fabric of continuous roof planes and screens defined a new domestic architecture. Wright fully expressed these elements and concepts in Robie House, b uilt between 1907 and 1909. Like other buildings in the Chicago area he designed at about the same time, this was called a prairie house. Wright conceived the long, sweeping ground-hugging lines, unconfined by abrupt wall limits, as reaching out toward and capturing the expansiveness of the Midwest’s great flatlands. Abandoning all symmetry, the architect eliminated a facade, extended the roofs far beyond the walls, and all but concealed the entrance. Wright filled the wandering plan of the Robie House with intricately joined spaces (some large and open, others closed), grouped freely around a great central fireplace. (He believed strongly in the hearth’s age-old domestic significance. Wright designed enclosed patios, overhanging roofs, and strip windows to provide unexpected light sources and glimpses of the outdoors as people move through the interior space. These elements, together with the open ground plan, create a sense of space-in-motion inside and out. He set m asses and voids in equilibrium; the flow of interior space determined the exterior wall placement. The exterior’s sharp angular planes meet at apparently odd angles, matching the complex play of interior solids, which function not as inert containing surfaces but as elements equivalent in role to the design’s spaces. The Robie House is a good example of Wright’s naturalism, his adjusting of a building to its site. However, in this particular case, the confines of the city lot constrained the building-to-site relationship more than did the sites of some of Wright’s more expansive suburban and country homes. The Kaufmann House, nicknamed Fallingwater and designed as a weekend retreat at Bear Run near Pittsburgh, is a prime example of the latter. Perched on a rocky hillside over a small waterfall, this structure extends the Robie House’s blocky masses in all four directions. The contrast in textures between concrete, painted metal, and natural stones in its walls enliven its shapes, as does Wright’s use of full-length strip windows to create a stunning interweaving of interior and exterior space. The implied message of Wright’s new architecture was space, not mass- a space designed to fit the patron’s life and enclosed and divided as required. Wright took special pains to meet his client’s requirements, often designing all the accessories of a house. In the late 1930s, he acted on a cherished dream to provide good architectural design for less prosperous people by adapting the ideas of his prairie house to plans for smaller, less expensive dwellings. The publication of Wright’s plans brought him a measure of fame in Europe, especially in Holland and Germany. The issuance in Berlin in 1910 of a portfolio of his work and an exhibition of his designs the following year stimulated younger architects to adopt some of his ideas about open plans. Some forty years before his career ended, his work was already of revolutionary significance.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mob Mentality Essay Example

Mob Mentality Essay Example Mob Mentality Paper Mob Mentality Paper History tends to repeat itself and while the context may differ, the causative factors are most likely the same. One repetitive action throughout history is religious persecution, two examples include; Nazi Germany and the Salem witch trials. While the groups being persecuted had almost nothing in common the causes of the persecution were very similar: mob mentality. The responsibility is shared and thus responsibility is diluted. Being in a mob alleviates people’s sense of morality because they are followers without conscious choice. There are differing opinions on why people participate in mobs and the basis for what results in unlawful and immoral acts. While some believe that mob mentality occurs because of our intrinsic primal instincts that derive from anger and fear, it is actually an external force of passionate persuasion that results in mob mentality. There are many beliefs about the causes of mob mentality; there are some who support the primal instincts hypothesis of mob mentality. Christyl Rivers, an Ecopsychologist who earned her Masters in Psychology from Pacific Lutheran University, believes that humans adopt some kind of â€Å"herd mentality† when in large groups (Rivers). This herd mentality causes people to lose â€Å"control of their usual inhibitions†; they do not follow their morals and sometimes act violently (Rivers). This mentality is sometimes seen at â€Å"soccer riot[s]† where property is being destroyed and spectators mindlessly join in. However, â€Å"herd mentality† does not always have to be violent, it can be defensive (Rivers). Often â€Å"defensive or protective circles spontaneously form against an adversary† where everyone in the group is set upon a common goal of protecting something and other thoughts and emotions are cast aside (Rivers). In addition to Christyl Rivers, Dossie Terrell, a state worker for the Social Security Administration and the Federal Child Support Enforcement Program, also believes that primal instincts are the cause of mob mentality. She believes that when conflict arises, bystanders â€Å"will give way to their primal instincts and jump into unplanned skirmishes† (Terrell). Humans are more evolved than other species accompanying us on earth and yet they still retain the same instincts. lose the ability to rationalize situations? Mob mentality is not caused by our primal instincts; instead it is caused by an external force of passionate persuasion. While there are many beliefs about the causes of mob mentality the actual cause may be an external force of passionate persuasion. One example of this is Nazi Germany. How was Hitler able to command and entire country with minimal opposition? It was simple, he used passionate persuasion to coerce many into believing what he was saying was correct. and through â€Å"the seven devices of Nazi propaganda† Hitler was able to mold the minds of an entire nation into taking part in the religious persecution of the Jews (Yellowthunder 6). The seven devices of Nazi propaganda, â€Å"name calling, card stacking, testimonial, flag waving, band wagon, transfer, and glittering generalities† persuaded Germany to retaliate against the Jews for something they did not do (Yellowthunder 7). Hitler blamed the status of Germany on the Jews and was so profoundly firm about his opinion that others began to follow him until most of Germany took part in the killing of the Jews. In addition to the propaganda Yellowthunder writes about the â€Å"nature of human social dynamics†. There is always dominance and subordination in society (Yellowthunder 2). In the situation where one has power over many, mob mentality occurs because people feel insignificant to the point where they do not question the orders of others. Many people today say that this is a lie but studies such as the Milgram Experiment where scientists tested to see how test subjects react to directions from authority figures even when those directs caused harm to others, have proven otherwise. Sixty percent of all the test subjects went up to the maximum voltage of 450-volts and many others came close (Yellowthunder 7). This experiment proved that people often listen to authority even when they know what they are doing is wrong. All of these examples including Nazi Germany and the Milgram experiment show how mob mentality occurs. It occurs because others perseveringly impose their opinions on others until the point where they mindlessly follow the leader. In addition to the religious persecution in Nazi Germany, groups such as the lynching mobs in Salem, Massachusetts were subject to mob mentality due to external forces. Glenn Greenwald, a US lawyer who graduated from New York University Law School believes this is true. In his article The Lynch Mob Mentality, Greenwald compares the mob mentality then to mob mentality today. During the Salem Witch Trials mob mentality occurred because â€Å"an authority figure appears and affixes a demonizing Other label to someone’s forehead† (Greenwald). Because someone with authority can indoctrinate his or her own ideas into the public’s ideas and it allows mob mentality to form and spread. No one questions what he or she is doing because they do not feel like it is their fault and therefore, they do not feel responsible. There is also the idea that people just follow the crowd because they are too scared to do otherwise. People conform because they are afraid to be different, so in the case of the Salem Witch Trials many people may have gone along with the lynchings because they were too afraid to say otherwise. Solomon Asch, a renowned Polish psychologist performed a â€Å"study of conformity† where test subjects hear actors say wrong answers to a question and when it was their turn to answer he recorded whether or not they answered the correct answer or the conformed and said the wrong answer (Solomon). In this study â€Å"37 or the 50 subjects conformed to the majority† (Solomon). This study suggests that even though people in society are capable of free thinking, they often conform and enter a mob mentality state because of an external force telling them to do so. Today even though society’s technology is more advanced, the same external forces that once caused religious persecution in the past continue today. While the present day population understands how mob mentality is formed, they do not fight it because they cannot, or if they can, they choose not to. For example, in North Korea, Kim Jong-Il rules a country because the Korean army follows his every command without questioning. Mob mentality lets him rule North Korea and while people everywhere attempt to shed light on this idea, the North Korean people continue to pay no heed. Mob mentality occurs in everyday life because of external factors that results in the subordination of people. Christyl, Rivers. â€Å"The psychology of mob behavior and crowd control. † n. pag. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. helium. com/items/1977174-psychology-of-mob-behavior-and-cro wd-control-hyseria-bubbles-groupthink-crowds-delusions. Greenwald, Glenn. â€Å"The Lynch Mob Mentality. † CommonDreams. org. N. p. , 5 Dec. 2010. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. commondreams. org/view/2010/02/05-6. â€Å"Solomon Asch experiment (1958) A study of conformity. Age-of-the-sage. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. age-of-the-sage. org/psychology/social/asch_conformity. html. Terrell, Dossie M. â€Å"The psychology of mob behavior and crowd control. † n. pag. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. helium. com/items/1842456-mob-behavior-crowd-control-animal-versus-human-behavior-internet-mob-mentality. Yellowthunder, Lois. â€Å"THE BEAST. † Hsdinstitute. org. Human Systems Dynamics Institute, n. d. Web. 16 Dec. 2010. hsdinstitute. org/learnmore/library/articles/THE_BEAST. pdf.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Child obesity in the US and Saudi Arabia

Child obesity in the US and Saudi Arabia Previous studies on child obesity have revealed serious prevalence of overweight as well as obesity among children in both countries. National Health and Nutrition Examination 2007-2008 data indicates that 16.9% of children in the US aged 2-19 years suffer from obesity. The data also shows that there was an increase of 6.5%-19.6% among children aged 6-11 years and an increase of 5.0%-18.1% of children aged 12-19 years during the same period (Carroll, Curtin, Flegal, Lamb, Ogden 2010, 243).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Child obesity in the US and Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The data revealed significant sex and racial disparities of obesity in children with a greater percentage of non-Hispanic blacks more likely to suffer from obesity. On the other hand, a research done by International Obesity Task Force in the period of 1990-2007 showed that children in Saudi Arabia have had an average obesity prevalence of 6.7% among boys and 6.0% among girls aged 1-18 years (Aziz, Jalali-Farahani, Mirmiran, Sherafat-Kazemzadeh 2010, 247). Survey results of the National Center for Health Statistics done in 2000, showed that child obesity in Saudi Arabia averages at about 15.8% for the same age. It is estimated that about 14% of children in Saudi Arabia who are below age 6 are obese (Madani 2000, 1). The child obesity data among all the age groups in the US show that there has been a year-on-year increases in the rates of prevalence (Barnes 2011). The data presented shows a higher prevalence in the US than in Saudi Arabia. There were particular high increases in 1999-2000 and 2003-2004 in the US showing significant and sudden changes in lifestyle. Both countries experience higher levels of prevalence on boys than girls. The trends in both countries are highly associated with socioeconomic status. However, as opposed to the US where children of lower socio-economic and urban clas ses seem to be more likely to be affected, children of high socioeconomic status in Saudi Arabia are the most vulnerable to child obesity. Data that was collected from medical and healthcare institutions also showed that child obesity prevalence is higher among US children than the Saudi Arabian children. It revealed that about 15-17% of children aged 6-11 years and 12-19 years in the US suffered from obesity while about 10.7% of children aged 5-18 years in Saudi Arabia suffered from the same. The survey data revealed that about 18% of children in the US are obese with higher prevalence among boys. On the other hand, the same survey data revealed that Saudi Arabian children had a prevalence rate of about 11.8%. The boys were more likely to be affected by obesity as compared to girls. This implies that there is a high child obesity prevalence rate especially among the children in the US. Besides, the data showed that obesity rate does not decrease with increase in age.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Causes of obesity among children Statistics show that obesity in children in the US is more prevalent among low-income children especially those aged 2-4 years with about 5%-20% of this group being affected. Previous studies also indicate that most of child obesity is the result of caloric imbalance as children tend to eat foods containing more than 1000 calories. Besides, these children live in environments which do not encourage physical activity. This means that calories are not burnt off. Childhood inactivity is highly associated with obesity. Preschool study carried out in 2009 showed that 89% of preschoolers in the US lead a sedentary lifestyle ((Dietz Stern 1999, 23). Childhood obesity results from an interaction between genetic and other factors. 80% of children born from both obese parents are also more likely to be obese as compar ed to 10% of children born from non-obese parents (Kopelman 2005, 82). Psychological problems such as low self-esteem can influence eating habits of those affected. Early introduction of solid food to infants is the major cause of obesity among children below the age of five years. According to Ferry (2011) children are also introduced to high-fat snacks as well as sugary junk food which results to high calories consumption. In addition, most children especially those in urban towns are not trained to develop healthy exercise habits. They spend much time watching television or playing video games. According to (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), just a third of school going children in the US get daily physical education. Low socioeconomic status could lead to poor nutrition as most families tend to eat high calorie foods to cater for their high activity level. Genetic factors could also cause obesity although the chances are very minimal unless the child eats more f ood. The survey carried out showed that poor nutrition causes about 34% of the child obesity. 38% of children reported less consumption of vegetables and fruits. Low socioeconomic status highly contributed to poor nutrition among obese children. It also showed that children who watch television or play video games for more than four hours a day are 22% more likely to suffer from obesity. When asked about how often they did exercise, most children responded negatively. However, about 36% said they suffered from obesity because their parents were also obese. How child obesity affect children’s social life Previous studies have discovered that obesity is highly associated with low self-esteem. Decreased self-esteem causes sadness in about 19% of children suffering from obesity. Low self-esteem also causes 21% of them to feel nervous (Strauss 2000, 15). Low self-esteem makes children less confident and therefore they are not able to interact with their peers. They are therefore c ondemned to loneliness. Feelings of depression could make a child to overeat (Goodman Whitaker 2002, 498).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Child obesity in the US and Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Childhood obesity causes several social problems to the affected children. Obesity could lead to psychosocial problems such as low self-esteem as well as reduced social networking (Gardner 2009). Such children may also suffer from depression due to discrimination and harassment from their peers and family members (Ferry 2011). This could possible cause loneliness in children who are obese. They are therefore likely to develop poor social skills. About 8.2% of obese adolescents said they were feeling depressed. 31% said that they were teased by their peers while 19% said that they were accepted by their peers. Majority of the children said that they suffered from loneliness. It is assumed that they are not able to do most physical activities. This has led to low self-esteem among obese children. Between 24% and 38% said that they suffered from low self-esteem. Prevention of obesity in children Exclusive breast-feeding of newborn infants is highly recommended for nutritional benefits (Dietz Stern 1999, 12). It is likely to help protect the child against obesity that could occur in later life. Major priority should be given to teaching children and parents about nutrition and healthy diet. Children should also be provided with healthy food choices. They should be provided with snacks that contain low sodium, fat as well as sugar content (Shield Mullen 2002, 123). Children should also be taught on the need to maintain a health activity level. Sedentary lifestyle should be discouraged and television viewing time should be limited. Physical education in schools should also be enhanced. Reference List Aziz, F., Jalali-Farahani, S., Mirmiran, p., Sherafat-Kazemzadeh, R., 2010, Ch ildhood obesity in the Middle East: A review. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 16(9). Nasr City, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean: World Health Organization. Barnes, J., 2011, Childhood obesity: Statistics and trends. Web. Carroll, M., D., Curtin, L., R., Flegal, K., M., Lamb, M., M., Ogden, C., L., 2010, Prevalence of high body mass index in U.S: children and adolescents, 2007- 2008. JAMA 303(3):242-9. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011, Overweight and obesity. Web. Dietz, W., H., Stern, L., 1999,   The official complete home reference guide to your childs nutrition.   Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.  pp.12, 23. Ferry, R., J., 2011, Obesity in children. Web. Gardner, T., 2009, The 5 problems caused by childhood obesity. Web. Goodman, E., Whitaker, R., C., 2002,. A prospective study of the role of depression in the development and persistence of adolescent obesity. Pediatrics 110 (3): 497–504. San Diego: US American Psychological Association. Kopelman, P., G., 2005, Clinical obesity in adults and children: In Adults and Children. Blackwell Publishing. P. 82. Madani, K., A., 2000, Obesity in Saudi Arabia. Bahrain Medical Buletin, 22(3): 1-9. Bahrain: Bahrain Medical Association. Shield, J., Mullen, M. C. (2002).   The American Dietetic Association guide to healthy eating for kids: How your children can eat smart from five to tw elve.   New York: Wiley. p. 123. Strauss, R., S., 2000, Childhood obesity and self-esteem. Pediatrics 105 (1). San Diego: US American Psychological Association. P. 15.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

New York City in 1854 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New York City in 1854 - Term Paper Example What a city! I just arrived to New York this morning; you cannot imagine the traffic and the people bustling all over the streets. I will be staying at Bixby's Hotel here in the heart of the city, on Broadway. It will cost me .50 cents a night, but that is rather affordable since breakfast is not included. I have already done some window-shopping here on Broadway, the place is covered with fashion; Tiffany & Company, Brooks Brothers, etc Fancy chandeliers, jewelry, and hand-painted china decorate the windows. Next to the hotel is the W & J Sloan Warehouse. I will be sure to take a look at their carpets, as that would be a nice gift to take back home to the family. Many of the fine ladies here wear patent leather shoes and their dresses are adorned with silk and lace. However, the workers in the shops are not as well dressed. All I see, shop after shop, are worn tired laborers, women and children included! Some of these women even offer laundry and mending services to earn extra money apart from their daily work in the shops. It is a shame. I will write more tomorrow.Day two in the big city! I did some exploring this afternoon and came across a neighborhood that is completely different than what I saw on Broadway. The streets have yet to be graded and the houses are shuttered. I saw a lovely church there, near Third Avenue; it is St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church. All though it appears to be relatively new, the neighborhood itself portrays a different time in New York with gas lamps lining the street and it lacks the hustle and bustle of Broadway.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organisational Behaviour 3 Leadership Assignment

Organisational Behaviour 3 Leadership - Assignment Example Tension exists because it is my first day at work as a manager in a new company, and Oli would be having his own apprehensions with the change. However, I have been assigned a specific task by my superiors that require cooperation and delegation to Oli, for this reason it is very important that we try to reduce tension. Oli has the type of personality that would be comfortable to accept challenges and share ideas best when he doesn’t feel tense. In this scenario, I tried to support Oli in an attempt to reduce tension and encourage Oli to share his ideas with me. The third step I took was to guide the ideas in the right direction through prioritizing, since Oli had several ideas it was important to sort them out in order of importance and urgency. I encouraged this through showing assertion and focusing on ideas that he passed through quickly like Computer Set-up and Getting Nortic cards. In conclusion I summarized all this work priorities in order of importance for him such as Coffee break , Nortic cards, computer set-up, and looking for an apartment. The key learning points for me from this scenario were that in order to get work done from my subordinates it is important that I empathize with them. I can accomplish this through reducing tension, delegating power through showing trust, encouraging communications and sharing ideas. There is a strong impact of personal life on work life, in this case instability in personal life of the subordinate was affecting his ability to stay focused on the job, so the importance of personal issues cannot be undermined. I also realized that compared to my business score, my leadership scores matters more to me because when my subordinates see me as a leader working towards their benefits good business results would automatically follow. The leadership insights of democratic leadership supports my decisions, a democratic leader

Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War Essay

Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War - Essay Example   By reviewing the historical data, it is eminent that most of the countries from the East Asian region are largely affected by the World War II. The impact of World War II has also been fruitful, considering the fact that most of the East Asian nations received independence. Despite this, the newly independent nations and territories have also experienced considerable problems, as these nations are unable to receive any support from other nations. There are large numbers of countries belonging to the East Asian region such as Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam those had received its independence immediately after the World War II.Since, after the World War II those aforementioned countries that experienced tremendous issues relating to political turmoil, ethnic strife, social inequities and weaker economic condition in composition to the Western nations. Vietnam has also experienced similar issues to a considerable extent. It is worth mentioning that prior to the c ommencement of World War II, Vietnam was noted to be under the control of France. During the 19th century, French has arrived in the Indo-China region and intended to establish their colonial state within that particular area. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, France ruled Vietnam as its Kingship country. During the Second World War, Vietnam has been facing numerous problems including poverty, illiteracy, health issues and invaders, which had become a major barrier in the process of the nation’s overall development.

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting Research Paper

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting - Research Paper Example Usually, an organization will fund a particular activity, which helps in monitoring the use of other resources, and assess the outcome. Companies that adopt this technique are able to estimate a particular cost-element of the whole batch of products, services and activities. This way, the company finds it easier to make a decision on the identifying products or services, which are less important. Additionally, any service that tends to overpriced is normally reduced to the right pricing. Further, a company can do away with any processing of goods if the process used proves to be unprofitable. In short, the ABC method helps a company in the assigning cost of resources in the activities to help in delivery of products to its clients (Brown & Tower, 2010). As a result, companies are able to decide on the pricing of goods, their identification, outsourcing as well improve non-effective processes. History Whereas George Staubus is the man that ABC is based on, this concept was first initiated in the US in the 70s. In the late 80s, Robert Kaplan and robin Cooper popularized the term when they both compared the traditional method of accounting with the ABC. In their conclusion, they felt that ABC was more effective than the traditional one. Moreover, it was established that ABC is able to locate the exact cost that a company will spend and not just the main expense.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Importance of Branding in Google and Lego Case Study

The Importance of Branding in Google and Lego - Case Study Example Branding is so important in every industry and computer and communications industries are also not an exception. â€Å"Brands need to find a voice that resonates, that surprises and that entices. This means understanding better your client, which clearly means listening more to your client base† (Social Search: Getting Personal is Getting Evermore Important for Brand Marketers). In the case of search engine business, Google has a voice that resonates, but in the case of social networking, Facebook enjoys that voice. Google is facing stiff competition from many others such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon, Apple, Facebook etc. In order to counter the threats from such huge companies, effective branding strategies are necessary for Google. Even though Google is the number one player in the search engine business, they are not so in social networking industry. Facebook holds the number one spot in social networking. Lego on the other hand is one of the prominent toy makers in the worl d. Even though they were the fifth largest toy maker in the world, they suffered lot of setbacks in the recent past because of the increased competition. â€Å"The Lego Group’s vision was to inspire the children to explore and challenge their own creative potential† (Lego Group: An Outsourcing Journey, p.2). However they failed to do so in a consistent basis and suffered severe setbacks recently. In order to regain its lost brand image, Lego is currently implementing many strategies. â€Å"The framework for LEGO’s branding effort expanded from its initial marketing focus into a company-wide reorganization that involved several change management programs and an ongoing initiative to create and manage global brand coherence†(Schultz & Hatch, p.6). Role of branding in the Business strategies of Google and Lego Branding holds an important place in the business strategies of both Google and LEGO. Globalization has brought immense challenges in the global marke t and it is difficult for even huge companies to survive in the market with the help of traditional brand building strategies. Diversification of business is inevitable at present and better brand image in one market segment may not help a company in other segments. For example, Google failed to become the number one in social networking or ecommerce even though they are so in search engine business. Same way Lego also failed drastically to hold their top spot in toy market because of their inability to diversify in to other areas. â€Å"The name LEGO is a combination of Danish words â€Å"leg† and â€Å"godt,† meaning â€Å"play well†Ã¢â‚¬  (Lego Group: An Outsourcing Journey, p.7). Lego was committed to deliver quality products to its children based clients. They concentrated too much on toy market alone which caused problems to them. Both Google and Lego should concentrate more on product diversification and brand development strategies in each segment. The y should realize that better image in one business segment may not help them in other segments. For each business segments, they need separate brand building strategies. Threats to the brand equities of Google and Lego When started Google plus, Google thought that they can utilize their brand equity in search engine business in social networking also. They failed to realize that both search engine and social networking businesses are entirely different businesses and it is difficult to convince the customers using the brand image alone. At present the

Audit Program Design Part III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Audit Program Design Part III - Essay Example Introduction The paper will focus on the inventory and warehousing cycle and cash cycle. Some of the types of transactions in the inventory and warehousing cycle include receiving raw materials, storage of raw materials, processing of the purchase orders, processing of the goods, storage of the completed goods and shipping them to customers (Luis, 2008). Cash is the most vulnerable to fraud and misappropriation by the staff. The analytical procedures for the warehousing and inventory cycle will compare the current gross margin in order to establish any understatement of the costs of goods sold and inventory (Gupta, 2005). The procedures will also look at the unit costs of inventory, the total inventory valuation, the manufacturing costs including the variable costs of each unit of inventory (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). The substantive tests of transactions on inventory and warehousing cycle will ensure that inventory recorded on tags exists by randomly selecting tag numbers and phys ically identifying the existence of the inventory (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). We will observe any possible movement of inventory during the count and ensure inventory is accurately recorded. Tests of controls are the internal control systems of the organization (Luis, 2008). Tests of controls for the cash cycle include the collecting and depositing of the cash in the bank accounts, reconciliation of the bank balances, appropriate authority for the documentation of cash payments and grant of any cash payment discounts. Another test of control is the appropriate determination of the bad debts (Gupta, 2005). Tests of controls, substantive tests of transactions and analytical procedures for inventory and warehousing cycle for Apollo Shoes, Inc Some of the relevant documentations that are useful in auditing the inventory and warehousing cycle of Apollo Shoes, Inc include the production schedules, the materials requisition, inventory master file, production data information, shipping or ders, costs accumulation sand variances reports and the inventory status report. The substantive audit procedures will deal with the work in progress, the finished goods and costs of goods sold. Functions of inventory and warehousing cycle include the storage of finished goods (Luis, 2008). Tests of control provide evidence on the effectiveness of the internal control systems while substantive tests of transactions provide the fair representation of the transaction statements (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). Analytical procedures involve the use of comparisons to assess the fairness of management assertions (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). Tests of control Substantive tests of transactions Analytical procedures validity Ensure the raw materials and inventory storage is safe from theft and fraud Physical examination to ensure the warehouses are safety locked, and only authorized personnel access the facility Recorded transfer of inventories exists and is accurate Test the transfer of raw m aterials from warehouse to manufacturing facility; compare the quantity, description, with information in materials master file. Compare the completed goods with the finished goods master file (Gupta, 2005). Ensure information matches the inventories master file and approval has been done by the purchasing manager Timeliness Ensure inventory shipping schedules are processed daily. Ask the client about it Inventory valuation Inventory is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting Research Paper

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting - Research Paper Example Usually, an organization will fund a particular activity, which helps in monitoring the use of other resources, and assess the outcome. Companies that adopt this technique are able to estimate a particular cost-element of the whole batch of products, services and activities. This way, the company finds it easier to make a decision on the identifying products or services, which are less important. Additionally, any service that tends to overpriced is normally reduced to the right pricing. Further, a company can do away with any processing of goods if the process used proves to be unprofitable. In short, the ABC method helps a company in the assigning cost of resources in the activities to help in delivery of products to its clients (Brown & Tower, 2010). As a result, companies are able to decide on the pricing of goods, their identification, outsourcing as well improve non-effective processes. History Whereas George Staubus is the man that ABC is based on, this concept was first initiated in the US in the 70s. In the late 80s, Robert Kaplan and robin Cooper popularized the term when they both compared the traditional method of accounting with the ABC. In their conclusion, they felt that ABC was more effective than the traditional one. Moreover, it was established that ABC is able to locate the exact cost that a company will spend and not just the main expense.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Audit Program Design Part III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Audit Program Design Part III - Essay Example Introduction The paper will focus on the inventory and warehousing cycle and cash cycle. Some of the types of transactions in the inventory and warehousing cycle include receiving raw materials, storage of raw materials, processing of the purchase orders, processing of the goods, storage of the completed goods and shipping them to customers (Luis, 2008). Cash is the most vulnerable to fraud and misappropriation by the staff. The analytical procedures for the warehousing and inventory cycle will compare the current gross margin in order to establish any understatement of the costs of goods sold and inventory (Gupta, 2005). The procedures will also look at the unit costs of inventory, the total inventory valuation, the manufacturing costs including the variable costs of each unit of inventory (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). The substantive tests of transactions on inventory and warehousing cycle will ensure that inventory recorded on tags exists by randomly selecting tag numbers and phys ically identifying the existence of the inventory (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). We will observe any possible movement of inventory during the count and ensure inventory is accurately recorded. Tests of controls are the internal control systems of the organization (Luis, 2008). Tests of controls for the cash cycle include the collecting and depositing of the cash in the bank accounts, reconciliation of the bank balances, appropriate authority for the documentation of cash payments and grant of any cash payment discounts. Another test of control is the appropriate determination of the bad debts (Gupta, 2005). Tests of controls, substantive tests of transactions and analytical procedures for inventory and warehousing cycle for Apollo Shoes, Inc Some of the relevant documentations that are useful in auditing the inventory and warehousing cycle of Apollo Shoes, Inc include the production schedules, the materials requisition, inventory master file, production data information, shipping or ders, costs accumulation sand variances reports and the inventory status report. The substantive audit procedures will deal with the work in progress, the finished goods and costs of goods sold. Functions of inventory and warehousing cycle include the storage of finished goods (Luis, 2008). Tests of control provide evidence on the effectiveness of the internal control systems while substantive tests of transactions provide the fair representation of the transaction statements (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). Analytical procedures involve the use of comparisons to assess the fairness of management assertions (Puttick, Esch & Kana, 2007). Tests of control Substantive tests of transactions Analytical procedures validity Ensure the raw materials and inventory storage is safe from theft and fraud Physical examination to ensure the warehouses are safety locked, and only authorized personnel access the facility Recorded transfer of inventories exists and is accurate Test the transfer of raw m aterials from warehouse to manufacturing facility; compare the quantity, description, with information in materials master file. Compare the completed goods with the finished goods master file (Gupta, 2005). Ensure information matches the inventories master file and approval has been done by the purchasing manager Timeliness Ensure inventory shipping schedules are processed daily. Ask the client about it Inventory valuation Inventory is

Transcendentalism was a cult or so to say, a rejection of God Essay Example for Free

Transcendentalism was a cult or so to say, a rejection of God Essay Transcendentalism was a spiritual, philosophical, literary movement that took place in the Boston area between the 1830s and late 1840s (Buchanan 1). The main idea was that the soul of the individual is identical to the soul of the world and that it contains what the world contains, and that the mind can apprehend absolute spiritual truths directly without having to detour through authorities and senses. This idea revolved around idealism, which is defined as any theory positing the primacy of spirit, mind, or language over matter (Campbell 2-3). Some have stated that Transcendentalism was a cult or so to say, a rejection of God. In reality, the movement was a preference to explain an individual and the world in terms of this individual. The individual was considered to be the spiritual center of the universe. Though not a cult, transcendentalism has ties to major religions. From Puritanism we get morality and the doctrine of divine light. From the Quakers, comes the inner light. Then, with Unitarianism there is the belief of the individual, the true source of the moral light (Reuben 2). Lockean philosophy, which involves all objects of the understanding described to be ideas, and ideas are spoken of as being in the mind, as well as Calvinist beliefs were used to underwrite the belief in Christianity and to focus on science and cognizance (Bickman 2). Ralph Waldo Emerson explains the name and the idea behind the movement with his profound statement, It is well known to most of my audience, that the Idealism of the present day acquired the name of Transcendental, from the use of that term by Immanuel Kant, of Konigsberg, who replied to the skeptical philosophy of Locke, which insisted that there was nothing in the intellect which was not previously in the experience of the senses, by showing that there was a very important class of ideas, or imperative forms, which did not come by experience but through which experience was acquired: that these were intuitions of the mind itself; and he denominated them the Transcendental forms. With the Unitarian church, came the optimistic and rationalistic ideas which lead to Transcendentalism. William Ellery Channing, Andrews Norton, and Edward Everett were ministers and philosophers of this time who were tied with the church. They pretty much made the transcendentalists who they were (Bickman 2). Those who agreed with the ideas of the church and the ideas of Emerson joined a club named, The Transcendental Club. Emerson was the head of it, and Hedge, Francis, Clarke, and Alcott would meet at George Ripleys house to form this organization. The organization was formed to exchange the thought of new ideas in philosophy, theology, and literature, but the members never decided to come up with a new form of religion (Transcendentalism 333). The taken philosophical meaning of this organization was that the mans practical and imaginative faculties play a part in his apprehension of the truth. In the art and literature world was a creation of works filled with the new passion for nature and common humanity and incarnating a fresh sense of the wonder, promise, and romance of life (327). Emerson was an educated man who studied at Harvard. He was a minister during the time of the Transcendental Club, and when his wife died, he decided to resign since he could not participate in communion. Emerson then decided to write poetic prose, essays with recurring themes (Emerson 1). He believed that reason is the highest faculty of the soul? what we mean by the soul itself; it never reasons, never proves, it simply perceives; it is wisdom (Campbell 4). With the ideas of oversoul, reason, wisdom, and perception, Emerson wrote what would be the most important essay in his life, Nature (Bickman 4). The focus of the essay was to describe the nature of life and how we are supposed to live. The essay helps to distinguish between macrocosm and microcosm, the difference in the world outside of an individual and that of the world inside (Campbell 4). The introduction expresses how a creature is to interact with God, how nature has no secrets, and how nature is divided between body and soul. After the introduction, Emerson divides the essay into sections titled as Nature, Commodity, Beauty, Language, Discipline, Idealism, Spirit, and Prospects. Throughout these chapters come this Transcendental / Romantic idea. There are no secrets in this form of intervention. Reality is split into nature and the soul (Steinhart 1). By going outside and looking at the stars, you can have a direct relation with nature, but your mind must be open. Emerson mentions, I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. He explains how open minded a person can be, and how they can connect with the oversoul through this process (2). Nature is only here to serve for our human needs, so it needs to be used wisely (3). Nature is also strict truth without ambiguity, and it can be perceived as an incarnation of God (8, 11). Emerson and other Transcendentalists believe that humans have the mental power and capacity to power over our own bodies (11). In other words, we control what goes on in our life by using our mind. And towards the end of the essay, comes the idea that when we are saved and restored, in the end we as beings will have the powers equal to those of God (13). Emerson was not the only Transcendental writer. Others included Margaret Fuller, Theodore Parker, Jones Very, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, and the original Dr. William Ellery Channing. The closest known to Emerson would have to be Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau also grew up in Massachusetts and while in college studied Emersons Nature (Great? 1-2). The essay influenced Thoreau to keep a journal of his philosophies. The most influential journal published would be Walden (2). Walden is an autobiography / pastoral / extended familiar essay / literary excursion that pulls the reader into a mythic time that can be related to the present (6). Overall, the journal explains to the reader why the spiritual discipline is necessary for coming into the presence and possession of the sacred world (7). Transcendentalism was the living force that seemed to be extinguished as quickly as the flame started. Perry Miller, a professor at Harvard, says Parker killed himself with overwork, and Thoreau expanded himself; Emerson dissolved into aphasia, Ripley subsided into disillusion, Hedge became a Harvard professor? Brownsun became a catholic, as did Sophia Ripley, and Elizabeth Peabody became a ? character. In the end, Emerson and Thoreau were easily the most well known out of the Transcendentalists. Emersons essays and Thoreaus Walden seemed to be more popular than the rest of the group (Bickman 4). The thoughts of the Transcendentalists still live on, but as for the writing, it has pretty much ended. Personally, I highly recommend that everyone should read at least one piece from the Transcendentalism period. The reading is very influential and gets the reader thinking about life and how things fall together. The readings also change the readers perception of religion and could bring on an interest in theology. From reading Nature and Walden myself, I became hooked on the thought of the oversoul and the internal light within us. The stories impacted my spiritual being, as well as my mind. The philosophies of Transcendentalists also make the reader wonder where the thoughts come from and how they derive these thoughts. In all, it is in a way needed that everyone reads some of the Transcendentalists work, just for a change in thought. Works Cited Bickman, Martin. An Overview of American Transcendentalism. Internet. Available: http://www. vcu. edu/engwed/transcendentalism/ideas/definition. html 6 Apr 2004. Campbell, Donna M. American Transcendentalism. Literary Moments. Internet. Available: http://www. gonzaga. edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/amtrans. html 6 Apr 2004. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Internet. Available: http://www. poets. org/poets. cfm? prmID=205 19 Apr 2004. Great Thinkers of the World. HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. 372. Reuben, Paul P. Chapter 4: Early Nineteenth Century ? American Transcendentalism: A Brief Introduction. PAL: Perspectives in American Literature ? A Research and Reference Guide. Internet. Available: http://www. csustan. edu/english/reuben/pal/chap4/4intro. html 6 Apr 2004. Steinhart, Eric. Commentary on Ralph Waldo Emersons Nature. Internet. Available: http://www. wpunj. edu/cohssi/philosophy/COURSES/PHIL218/NATURE. HTM 6 Apr 2004. Transcendentalism. The Cambridge History of American Literature. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1917. 326 348.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The People of Rajasthan

The People of Rajasthan When this magnificent beauty Rajasthan entails into our minds, the very first visual of this grand state comes with the images of iridescent lights and a wide variety of energetic folk dances and enthusiastic music it also reminds us of the desert- stretches, the forts, palaces, the mighty warriors, and royal robes of the rajas and maharajas. Thinking of this princely state also memorises us through the magnificent beauty which is established through the architectural wonders of havelis. The word Rajasthan literary means the abode of kings. Its pre-independence name Rajputana meant the homeland of -the mighty Rajputs. An energetic and a vibrant state where royal glory and tradition meets the colors of this world, contradicting the vast area of desserts and sand lies a perfect blend of people, culture, tradition, music, architecture, cuisine all in one pot. Rajasthans vast ocean of sand is contradictory to the colourful and vibrant culture and tradition it possesses. Growing generatio ns have seen their cultivated culture of music, art and dance through ages. A vast and wonder-laced state with treasures more sublime than those of fable, the Land of the Kings paints a bold image People of Rajasthan There is always an inadequate knowledge of the place without knowing its people. Rajasthan is an anthropological mixture of people who come from varied variety of ethnic, economic, religious, social and cultural background. In the ancient times the caste of the person determined their profession. As times have changed it slowly has adopted a birth based caste system. Many caste and sub-caste reside in this grand state of Rajasthan. The warriors of the clan are the Hindu Rajput constitute major portion of the residents of Rajasthan. The Brahmins and the vaishya also form a part of it. The population also consists of the muslims, Sikhs ,jains and sindhis. Major portion of the livelihood of the tribes like Jat, Gurjar, Mali arises from agricultural based activities. Other are free to choose their profession by will. The dresses and the ornaments used and worn by the folks are greatly influenced by their caste, economic status, climate profession and also history. Culture of Rajasthan Music and folk dances of Rajasthan The living soul of the people lies in there folk music and dance which also add a glamour in their hard lives. People in this state are very fun loving and energetic. They have highly cultivated classical and folk dances which have been a part of their culture for growing generations now. Folk music flourished due to the kings of Rajputana who embodied music in their courts. The music constitutes different flavours of folk music, the hymns and prayers in praise of the Lord, the magnificent stories of the chivalry of the mighty Rajput emperors, the local folk dances and songs in praise of the rain God. The vibrant gay colours of the attire totally contradict to the backdrop of the plain coloured desert and invoke the feeling of engaging in the dance. All the traditionally based old dance forms are still practiced religiously. Some of the peculiar dance forms are kaibelia dance, Ghoomar dance, Chari dance, Kacchi -Ghodi , fire dance and terah taai. Other types of dances are enforsed during different occasions. Art and Craft of Rajasthan This state is well known for textiles, semi precious stones, handicrafts, traditional and colourful art. The local furniture has complex carving and bright colour. There are many prints like block prints, tie and die prints which are the major products which are exported from Rajasthan. The blue pottery in Jaipur is particularly famous all over the world. We are aware of how much this beautiful state has to offer to tourists. We have however chosen something very different and rare for our DIP research  project. We all know that havelis are architectural monuments built by the rich merchants and traders to show off their wealth, and built by the well  to do families in the 17th and 18th century to protect themselves from the extreme climatic conditions, in the region known as Shekhawati. In the semi arid dessert regions of Shekhawati, the day would be boiling hot and the nights would be as cold as freezing ice. The land and its people This region of Shekhawati lies roughly between Jaipur, Delhi and Bikaner in the state of Rajasthan. There is little of industrialization that takes place in this region and farming is poor. Some families leave this region due to failure in financial gains, but they return back to their birthplace: either for retirement or to settle down again. Among the few of them that return are the Rajputs, the Shekhawats (whose ancestor gave its name to this land). The Shekhawati region, unlike most other parts of Rajasthan was never a single kingdom; it remained a loosely held conderation of feudal principalities. The Shekhawati land, is known for its frescos. What sets this region completely apart are the eye-striking beautifully made frescos. This part of the desert was once a part of Aryavat, the land of the Aryans who spread too a great extent to the northern part of our country. Aryans, were the community that composed their sacred texts, the oldest in the world, which are the VEDAS here. It would also be interesting to know that archaeologists have found remains of sites contemporary with the Indus Valley civilization dating all the way back to 200 BC. Our topic for this research project is: Comparative study of architecture of Havelis and their impact on society today. This topic of the architecture of havelis has indeed interested us as a group and we would love to explore this aspect of Rajasthan. It has a massive huge number of ancient havelis situated in the region of Shekhawati, where we plan to visit and study and carry out an  analysis of the different havelis The comparative study will be based on the  Architecture of the haveli The interior (frescos, murals, paintings, inscriptions The exterior (sculptures, doorways, bhaitak -seating area, hathi pol-entrances The way it has been constructed (Muslim, Hindu , Brahmin, Rajput) If the Haveli has been constructed keeping in mind the Vaastu (which will not be the same for the havelis that are owned by a different caste If the haveli has been constructed according to the climatic changes The materials that were used to construct the havelis According to us, this topic has a lot to offer to us because each one of us in the group have been interested in the tiny minute details of   havelis. Havelis do differ from one another on a very huge scale even though they are not always thought of as the same kind. Where we plan to go, which havelis? We first plan to visit an area known as Fatehpur. This town is well known for its really high quality of frescos. The havelis we plan to study here are: Gopiram Jalam haveli. Nand lal Devra haveli. Jagannath Singhania haveli. Our next town of visit will be a region known as Nawalgarh. A town where one can witness a mix of Rajput and European architecture. The havelis we do wish to analyze in this region are: Radheshyam Murarka haveli. Pannalal Mansingka haveli. This brings us to an interesting question, what exactly are Havelis? Haveli as a term used commonly has its named derived from a long traced back Arabic origin of the word `hawoleh meaning partition.   a related word `hawaleh has a slightly different meaning which is `all round or `round about. Through the ages the word havelis has taken  different forms. Though for Persian it had the same meaning as the word hawaleh but with the mughals arriving the word havelis changed into being a partition to a piece of land (this is very similar to the word estate whcich is used in the English language). Since the beginning of the origin of the havelis its definition is only limited to the physical characteristics which makes it inadequate. So far the  closest definition of the word haveli is given by the prince of Whales museum, Mumbai. A havelis generally means a mansion. But in totality, it  symbolizes generation who articulated their life style that includes architecture, customs and manners, `of course arts, crafts and music. The  havelis however are the official residences of umraos, princes, thakurs and others such as dhabhai, purohit and sethji who were given a special  status by the rana. Havelis has an official recognition The term HAVELI is an essentially north Indian concept, and the Persian term implies an enclosed space. The havelis were not just built for residential purposes. Their construction increased on a massive scale, because they were in a way known as objects of self-esteem, in a race to score against each other. They got more lavish and they also borrowed elements of Indo-Saracenic architecture that was standing out among the principal British settlements. Havelis in Rajasthan was primarily developed in 16th century to differentiate their life style from common people. The 2 broad classifications of  havelis in Rajasthan were- Rajput havelis and Marwari havelis while the other havelis were mainly based on the caste and occupation. Accordingly  there were havelis of the Brahmin caste, Muslim havelis, and havelis of other Hindu sub castes. A basic identification of havelis in any medieval  town of Rajasthan is possible by identifying the original owner, his official status, architecture, paintings on the walls of the havelis, sculptures  interiors, etc;  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Smoking and Tobacco - Cigarettes Advertising and its Effects on Young Adults :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Tobacco Advertising and its Effects on Young Adults In this world there are many injustices that deal with our children. A main injustice is the advertising of tobacco directed to our youths. Every day 3,000 children start smoking, most of them between the ages of 10 and 18. These kids account for 90 percent of all new smokers. In fact, 90 percent of all adults state that they first start smoking as a teenager. The statistics clearly show that young people are the prime targets of tobacco sales. The head of these media companies are Marlboro and Camel. Marlboro uses a western character known as The Marlboro Man, and Camel uses the "smooth character" Joe Camel. Joe Camel who is shown as a camel with complete style has been attacked by many Tobacco-Free Kids organizations as a major influence on the children of America. Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia report that almost as many 6-year olds recognize Joe Camel as they do Mickey Mouse. That is very shocking information for any parent to hear. Children are attracted by these advertisements because they like cartoons, and they think that a cartoon is harmless and what the cartoon does is harmless too. There is so much cigarette advertising out there a child is sure to be struck by its attention. The companies deny that these symbols target people under 21 and claim that their advertising goal is simply to promote brand switching. Illinois Rep. Richard Durbin disagrees with this statement stating "If we can reduce the number of young smokers, the tobacco companies will be in trouble and they know it". The companies go toward a market that is not fully aware of the harm that cigarettes are capable of to keep their industry alive and well. When kids were asked why they started smoking, they gave two contradictory reasons: They wanted to be a part of the crowd. Children don't want to be left out, they want to be wanted. If their peers are smoking then they will want to smoke too. They also wanted to reach out and rebel at the same time. When children are told over and over by more authoritative people not to do something, then they are going to do it. They do this just to get back at the authorities or to satisfy their curiosity.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Actual Meaning of My Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke Essay example

The Actual Meaning of "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke Poetry is made to express the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of the poet. The reader can interpret the poem however they see fit. Critics are undecided about the theme of Theodore Roethke's "My Papa's Waltz." Some people believe that the poem is one of a happy exchange between a father and son. The more convincing interpretation is that it has a hidden message of parental abuse. Careful analysis of the keywords and each individual stanza back up this theory of child abuse by a violent and drunken father. The word that is key to the poem is romp. Roethke states that "we romped until the pans / slid from the kitchen shelf" (5-6). The word is usually associated with happy, boisterous, and energetic running around or dancing. A second definition is rough, lively play. Alcohol would cause a person to act in such a harsh manner. In athletics, a romp is an easy victory over an easy opponent. This means one side is clearly superior and beats the competition with fury and ease. The father could be viewed as a dominating and overpowering force to a small child. The younger son could not possible fight back to his bigger father especially with the added influence of liquor. Further reading of the poem will back up that meaning of the poem is to illustrate parental abuse. The first stanza sets the scene with clear imagery. The father appears to be in a heavily drunken state because the son can smell the "whiskey on your breath" (1). The reader knows the drinking is excessive because it almost made the boy dizzy. Clearly, the father is in a heavenly drunken state because someone else is feeling the effects of his drinking. Critics will ague that the son was enjoying ... ... is a happy time between a father and his child. Through careful reading, that interpretation is not valid. In 1948, actions such as this may have been a part of life. Maybe that is why Roethke wrote the poem this way because the event was probably happening in many households and people then could identify with this. Because of the vivid imagery, the reader can feel the boy's pain and fear of his father. In this case, the waltz is not a bonding time between a father and his son. People now would identify with the son and find a hatred for the father because of the mental and physical toll this could have on a child. The father does his dance by "waltzing" all over his son. Works Cited Roethke, Theodore. "My Papa's Waltz." Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays. Ed. Hans P. Guth and Gabriel L. Rico. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997, 536.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Study Overseas Is Better Than Study Locally

Hello .. what are u doing .. how have u been ? Oversea study Nowadays more and more students are eager to study abroad, because they feel that studying abroad is better than studying local universities of our country. However, they have own reason to study locally or abroad. Both of universities, abroad or local have their own uniqueness. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people.Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people.Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people.Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university educa tion excites lots of people. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people.Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to invest deeply into our education. Looking at the trend recently , going overseas for a university education excites lots of people.